99% IPA Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA)

Product Information

99% IPA Isopropyl Alcohol is ultra pure and leaves no residue



MicroCare 99% Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) is plastic-safe, non-corrosive and ESD-safe.  This clear, colorless liquid is manufactured and packaged to meet US Federal Specification TT-I-735A and ASTM Specification D 770-11.

This product contains less than 0.5% by weight water content, is better than 99.90% pure by weight and dries without leaving a residue.  Manufactured to high degree of quality and consistency, it is ideal for use in water sensitive applications and is safe on most materials of construction including metal parts, machinery, printed circuit boards, printers and most work surfaces. 

Because Isopropyl Alcohol is flammable in liquid and vapor form and is an irritant, appropriate care should always be taken for storage and handling.”


Product Details

Product Image
Part Number Package Weight Size Technical Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet
Product Image MCC-BACFG BACFG MCC-BACFG Plastic Jug 2.7 kg 6 lbs. 3.8 L 1 Gallon
Product Image MCC-BACPP BACPP MCC-BACPP Plastic Bottle 14.5 kg 32 lbs. 19 L 5 Gallon
Product Image MCC-BACD BACD MCC-BACD Drum 161 kg 355 lbs. 200 L 55 Gallon
Package Plastic Jug Plastic Bottle Drum
Weight 2.7 kg 6 lbs. 14.5 kg 32 lbs. 161 kg 355 lbs.
Size 3.8 L 1 Gallon 19 L 5 Gallon 200 L 55 Gallon
Technical Data Sheet
Safety Data Sheet
Appearance Clear
Odor Alcohol
PEL (ppm, 8-hr TWA) 200
Boiling Point 83˚C / 174˚F
Chemical Family Alcohol
F-Gas Compliant
Evaporation Rate 2 (Slow)
Cleaning Strength (Kb) Low
Active Ingredients Reagent-grade IPA Alcohol
Flashpoint 12˚C / 53˚F
Global Warming Rating (100yr) Not available
VOC Organic Content (g/L) 785
Ozone Impact Zero
REACH & ELINCS Compliant
RoHS & WEEE Compliant
Safety Rating Flammable
Specific Gravity 0.79
Surface Tension 23
Vapor Density 1.82
Viscosity 2.43
Vapor Pressure @ 20ºC 41